Our ministry is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. We run on the kindness and support of our donors. Edge is currently accepting donations to three different funds. You can always donate to the General Fund, which covers general costs of operating the weekend as well as scholarships for men who otherwise couldn’t attend the weekend.

We are also currently fundraising for a new website and other marketing materials to help get the word out about Edge! This fundraising effort will go until August 31st with a goal of raising $8,000.

Finally, you can also donate to the ministry of Bill Cowell, Edge’s staff pastor. You can read more about Bill below!

Learn about Bill Cowell!

  • Bill Cowell has been a church-planting pastor for the last 25 years. In 2015-2016 he worked with the Missouri Executive Board of the Southern Baptist Churches to help evaluate, train, and plant over 27 new church plants in the Saint Louis area. Resigning from his last church in 2017, Bill began working with EdgeVenture Ministries to help men regain connection with God, with their own hearts, and with those around them. He consistently sees more significant life change happen in ONE weekend than in a year of Sunday mornings!

    Bill is currently raising support to offset his own expenses in this vital work of helping men across the country taste the freedom and joy that comes from this experiential weekend. He and his wife Linda are also deeply involved in the Edge Oneness weekend for couples, designed to restore hope and joy in marital relationships of all ages!